King Air 350 Recurrent Training Program
RTC’s King Air 350 Recurrent Training Program provides you with the necessary knowledge for understanding the basic functions of the King Air 350’s aircraft systems, the use of the individual system components, the integration of aircraft systems, operational procedures, and more.
The ATP with Initial PIC Type Rating Course, if sought and qualified, leads to a BE-300 Type Rating and an Airline Transport Certificate. This course satisfies the applicable training requirements of FAR §61.63, §61.55, and §61.157. In addition, portions of FAR §61.57 are also satisfied. Flight training requirements of FAR §61.31(g)(2) high altitude operations are satisfied in this course.
King Air 350 Recurrent Training Program
Ground Training: 8 Hrs of Aircraft Systems Operations
Ground Training: 4 Hrs of Aircraft Systems Operations, Preflight, Callouts, and Procedures
Flight Training: 2 Hrs PIC/2 Hrs SIC of Simulator Time
Brief/Debrief: 1.5 Hrs
Flight Training: 4 Hrs PIC/4 Hrs SIC
Brief/Debrief: 1.5 Hrs
Course Hours
Aircraft Ground Training – 12.0
Briefing – 6.0
Flight Training – 6.0
The King Air 350 Recurrent Course provides you with the necessary knowledge and skills to operate the King Air 350 aircraft safely and efficiently. The course covers all aspects of aircraft systems, flying techniques, and emergency procedures. Upon completion, you will be able to operate the King Air 350 in accordance with all applicable regulations. After completion, you will have accumulated a total of 24 hours of combined flight training, briefing, and aircraft ground training.
The course is designed for pilots who are new to the King Air 350 or who have limited experience flying the aircraft. Post-training, you will be led to receive a BE-300 Type Rating and an Airline Transport Certificate. This course satisfies the applicable training requirements of FAR §61.63, §61.55, §61.157, and portions of FAR §61.57. Flight training requirements of FAR §61.31(g)(2) high altitude operations will also be met.
What you will learn:
- Aircraft systems
- Flying techniques
- Emergency procedures
- Regulations governing
While taking the King Air 350 Initial PIC Type Rating Course, you can expect the duration to be a total of four days total. On day One you can expect to complete full ground training that will result in a total of eight hours of aircraft systems operations. Day Two will consist of ground and flight training. On day Three you can expect full flight training. On day Four you will have a proficiency check. You can view a more detailed agenda online.
There are a few requirements you must meet in order to be eligible.
- Possess a BE-300 Type Rating
- Have successfully completed a Proficiency Check in the BE-300 in the last 24 +/- 1 month(s)
Read about more requirements online.
Both the King Air 350 Recurrent Course and the King Air 350 Initial PIC Type Rating Course prepare new pilots for operating the King Air 350 aircraft safely and correctly. The main difference lies in the eligibility requirements of the individual, the certification, and the hours. If you have any questions, contact us today and we will be more than happy to help!